Saturday, December 17, 2011

Announcing 11 in 11...

This is our newest granddaughter Ellery Christine.
She is number 11 in 2011! 
She is the sweet little daughter of Amanda & Brandon.  
She makes #5 in their family!  
Looks like heaven ran out of baby eyes again, and she got those beautiful, 
big brown eyes like her brother Joshua!  
What a sweetheart.  
(Perhaps her Papa got to send her off from heaven with a big hug and kiss!)

Welcome Ellery!
I'm coming to see you next week...

 Christmastime has been a little difficult for me...
Everything about this season represent family and love.
I  don't know of a better person than Alain, who cared so much about both.

I am so grateful he touched my life with all that is good.
(And I'm trusting that he knows how much I love and miss him!)