Meet my sister..... my only sister....
sometimes we call each other and say, "Seester-Seester!"
I don't know why!
We just know we need to talk!
sometimes we call each other and say, "Seester-Seester!"
I don't know why!
We just know we need to talk!
My sister Tam was 9 years old when I was born.
We honestly don't remember too much about
me as a little kid!
When I was old enough to notice,
I remember I thought she was beautiful.... stunning....
and had the most handsome boyfriend who
teased me incessantly !
We honestly don't remember too much about
me as a little kid!
When I was old enough to notice,
I remember I thought she was beautiful.... stunning....
and had the most handsome boyfriend who
teased me incessantly !

When she was 17 years old and I was eight,
our dad was killed in a small plane crash.
She was supposed to be in the plane that day as a stewardess.
I can't tell you how grateful I am
she was not.

We have been so very close all of our lives.
We have never been in any kind of "katuffle" or had serious hurt feelings.
No matter where we have lived,
we have written, emailed or talked, leaving right where we left off.
For the past six years,
we have lived only 1 hour and 45 minutes away from each other.
What a huge blessing for both of us!
She was able to come over often
when our mother lived here with Alain and I.
She has been such a strength and support to me since Alain's death.
I can call any time and cry my eyes out and she will listen and love me.
Two of our often repeated phrases are....
1. It is what it is!
2. Tomorrow is a new day!
We also can be a little "silly!"

This is her husband Neil. They have always been there for me.
When my kids dad left us in 1994,
they gave me money for an attorney.
When I tried to pay them back,
Neil said, "Keep it to buy a washer and dryer."
Recently they offered to pay for the headstone for Alain.
Thank you is not a
big enough word!

My sister has two boys and two girls.
I have grown to love and appreciate my sweet
nieces and nephews through the years.
They are precious to me!
The family IS central to the
"Creators" plan for the eternal destiny of "His" children.
Proclamation to the Family to the World 1995
We should be so very grateful.
I have grown to love and appreciate my sweet
nieces and nephews through the years.
They are precious to me!
The family IS central to the
"Creators" plan for the eternal destiny of "His" children.
Proclamation to the Family to the World 1995
We should be so very grateful.

So grateful I know that "Families are Eternal"
I know that I can live with my sweetheart,
our children and their children
and continue to progress
and build a family
that can last through all eternity.
It's not a wish.... I know!
I know that I can live with my sweetheart,
our children and their children
and continue to progress
and build a family
that can last through all eternity.
It's not a wish.... I know!