Sunday, July 17, 2011

Come what may and....

Come what may and love it!
Come what may and like it!
Come what may and be content!

I came across a beautiful message by Neal A. Maxwell.
It spoke to my heart!
It spoke to my new situation...

"Being content means acceptance without self-pity.  Meekly borne, however,
deprivations such as these can end up being like 
excavations that make room for greatly enlarged souls."

There is an often heard statement made by Elder Joseph B.Wirthlin 
that was told to him by his mother...
"Come what may and love it!"

I just cannot love this right now...
I can't even like it...
but I can learn to be content!

I have many, many blessings...
a home, a vehicle, my health,
and the love of family and friends.
I live in a wonderful community that is safe,
where there are so many opportunities.

"Developing greater contentment within certain of our existing constraints and opportunities
is one of our challenges.

Most important is what we are and what we do within those varied allocations."
"The Lord knows our circumstances and the intents of our hearts,
and surely the talents and gifts He has given us.
He is able to gauge perfectly how we have performed within what is allotted to us,
including by lifting up some of the many surrounding hands 
that hang down."

Lastly, I loved this and it is what really spoke to my heart...
(and is a goal for me...)
"that when spiritually aligned, a poise can come, 
even when we do not know "the meaning of all things." 
(I Nephi 11:17)

I miss Alain today.
I miss holding his hand during prayer at church.
I miss his sweet smile.
I miss his gentle voice.
I miss him hurrying in and out of the house
going to this or that meeting.
I miss his comments about what he has been learning.
I miss his comments on who he thinks needs help.

I honestly have been feeling stronger each and every day.
Yes... I miss him,
but I will continue to strive to be content 
with what has been allotted to me at this time.
"Tomorrow is a new day!"
