As I have mentioned in a previous post, it was my Bishop
and his dear wife Mary
who rang the doorbell on the evening of February 4th,
who sat down on the couch across from me,
and delivered the news about my sweetheart Alain.
Again, the words "eternally grateful" are the only words to describe
the feelings I will always have for the tender love exhibited by
he and Mary that night.
Immediately following the news of Alain's accident, he was there
encouraging me,
offering counsel,
and assuring me that my ward family would be there for me.
Bishop Brown is humble, caring, and wise. A spiritual giant
who always see's the bigger picture.
He makes you feel loved and valued.
He called Alain to serve with him in the bishopric
on the campus of BYU-Idaho in the fall of 2007.
Together with Brad Nielson,
they became the bishopric of the newly formed 86th Ward,
of the BYU-Idaho 1st Stake.
There grew a bond of respect and love between them all.
Alain blossomed in this calling.
I liked to remind Alain how shy he was at the beginning of that calling,
and how one night I literally pushed him... (strong nudge) to go out and meet the kids
and shake their hands.
He did! He jumped in and within a matter of a few short weeks
memorized most, if not all, of the students names.
He would get up early and go to his computer
where the students pictures and names were,
and he spent hours memorizing them,
and then...
he would give me a sheet with their pictures on it,
and I would quiz him until he knew them all.
Bishop Brown was released as a student bishop and called to be
bishop of our home ward in 2009.
In August of 2010, he called Alain as the ward Young Men's President!
Alain was thrilled to serve with him again.
Bishop Brown has many, if not all of the qualities that Alain admired
in an individual that he would like to be "more like."
He valued his friendship and advice very much.
I am so thankful for a kind, caring bishop whom by example and deed
is showing me the way and has touched my life for good!